JADAM Farming Inputs
JMS- Jadam Microbial Solution
JLF- Jadam Liquid Fertiliser
JHS- Jadam Herbal Solution
JWS- Jadam Wetting Agent
Jadam Microbial Solution
JMS- You may add in plant matter to give a specific microbial application treating the seedling/grow/flower cycle or a specific pesticide, fungal or bacterial treatment.
Plant matter such as root, grass, leaves/stalks, vegetables and fruits.
Optional, although preferably, fresh is best & stick to the same plant when creating your inputs don't mix and match , also treat the same plant with the solution for added benefits.
Rain water 10litres
potatoes(boiled) 4 medium size
Plant Matter1kg
Leaf mould or IMO3 1cup
Sea water or sea salt 11g sea salt per 10litre
330ml sea water per 10litre
Humic Acid3g (optional)
Rock dust80g (optional)
Add in all the inputs except for IMO3
Fill with rain or DE-chlorinated water leaving a decent air pocket away from the lid & mix thoroughly
Scatter IMO3 on top.
Leave to ferment at 18-25celcius for 1-3 days, do not stir until use, foam forms on the surface, this is a good indication of activity.
Leave it too long the foam will eventually break down as the microbes start to die.
full strength for soil preparation
1:10 for root drench
foliar application 1:20-1:100
Jadam Liquid Fertilisers
Rain water 8litres
Plant Matter Leaf mould-imo3 2kg
1cup IMO2
10ml Sea water or sea salt
11g sea salt per 10litre
330ml salt water per 10litre
Rock Dust 80g (optional)
Humic Acid 3g (optional
Optional, although preferably, fresh is best & stick to the same plant when creating your inputs don't mix and match , also treat the same plant with the solution for added benefits.
Add in all the inputs except for IMO3
Fill with rain or DE-chlorinated water leaving a decent air pocket away from the lid & mix thoroughly
Scatter IMO3 on top.
Leave to ferment at 18-25celcius for 3months-6months, foam forms on the surface, this is a good indication of activity.
Stir once a month
(optional) Feed occasionally more plant matter & organisms, but increases fermentation time required, this can be used to bring life back e.g. 40degree Celsius days 3 days in a row, direct sunlight, could kill all or /only favouring a certain type of organism
2 week intervals
1:100 soil application
1:1000 foliar spray + JWA or Aloe Vera Juice as a surfactant (wetting Agent)
Cannabis Weed Juice JLF- Roots, leaf and flower of the cannabis plant
Comfrey & stinging Nettle JLF - Roots/stem & flower of both nettle & comfrey
Fish Amino JLF- FAA-fish amino acids may be used or whole fish cut up roughly
Cow bone JLF- boiled & charred bone
Dandelion JLF- Roots/stem & flower of the dandelion
Seaweed/Kelp JLF- seawater, sand, small crustaceans and microbes (imo2)
Crustacean shell JLF- Dried and crushed shell or readily available powder form
Jadam Herbal Solution
Use current knowledge and available data to choose herbs that have already proven to be beneficial in the category you may be specifically treating e.g aphids, fungal disease or in general nutrients/micro-nutrients, repellent.
Jerusalem Artichoke
Dried roots of the Korean Pasque flower
Cinnamon bark
Star anise
hot pepper
1kg of fresh plant add 4lites of water
1kg of dried plant add 20litres of water
place herbs into a fine Mesh bag.
Boil in water for 5hours with 20% more water volume /4 hours in preasure cooker
reduce to 70% total volume
Strain and bottle whilst hot
Cool down on its side for increased preservation.
Alternate process:
Submerge in water completely & refrigerate for 3months, ideal for small tinctures.
1:20 dilution
1:100 foliar
10litre of JHS to 17litres for fog/mister machines
mix with JWA (surfacant) for sole application/treatment.
Mix with JWA & various JLF for optional applications + benefits.
Jadam Wetting Agent
JWA does not mix well with vinegar inputs
JWA increases the coating and penetrative ability of JLF,JHS & JMS, as well as being a surfacant it can be applied with other inputs/ingredients.
Face respiratory mask and glassses must be worn
Power Drill with a mixing stirring paint attachment
110Litre heat resistant container as the reaction generates a bit of heat.
Rain water- 82.5litres of water total. 2.5, 20, 60.
Canola Oil-18litres
Caustic Potash-3.2kg potassium hydroxide.
Fill heat resistant container with 2.5 litres of water
Slowly add in 3.5kg caustic potash by submerging it under water slightly as to not release a dust cloud, roll to dissolve caustic potash.
Emulsify in the 18litres of canola oil, mixing for roughly 10minutesto 30minutes depending on climate temperature & drill power.
Close lid & let it rest for 3 days.
If it doesn't harden or separate into layers, drill again to mix it like the consistency mayo.
Add in now 20litres of water, use drill to separate from the walls, do not mix too much or it will turn into cream.
Add in now 60litres of water and stir with a clean stick, it will dissolve completely within 48hours.
No expiry, store in a sealed bottle.
15litres for 500litres of water
1:20 soil & foliar
Jadam Sulphur
100litre recipe
Face respiratory mask and glassses must be worn
Heat Resistant 110litre container
Sulfur 99.9%
Caustic soda 20kg
Sea salt 1.5kg
Fine soil 1kg
Water 82Litre
Mix all together & let settle for 24hrs before storage.
1:500 application ratio